Sunday, April 6, 2008

Farming gold

World of Warcraft is the most popular online game in history now with over 9 million paid up members. With the expansion pack, Burning Crusades being out for a year now there are many ways you can make gold... the only secret is knowing where to go. If you've been buying gold with your hard earned cash, stop now!

There are still sites online that were last updated before the Expansion Pack. The problem is they give you methods that worked well on the original game, but the fact is there's now much better places to farm gold in outlands if you're high level.

One great spot is killing Voidspawns in Nagrand. Not only do they drop a heck of a lot of Mote of Shadow (which you can sell a stack of 10 on the Auction House for 20-30 gold) but they also drop an average of 2-3 Netherweave Cloth per kill. If you're a tailor, 70 of these will mean you can make an 18 slot bag, which you can sell for 30-50 gold on the Auction House. If you're not a tailor, don't worry, just sell the stacks by themselves. Believe me after an hour of killing you'll be walking away with plenty of stacks of Netherweave and Motes of Shadow. This is not even taking into account the grey weapon drops that you can vendor for 2-3 gold that will drop quite often.

Another good spot, also in Nagrand is the middle of the map where the Water Elementals are. Similar to the Motes of Shadow, these will drop many Motes of Water that you can sell for a similar price in the auction house.

Searing Fire Elementals in Blade's Edge Mountains are also great to farm if you're a high enough level. (67-70). It's especially good for casters as there are no long range attacks. They also respawn fast, and can't poison you.

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