Monday, March 31, 2008

leveling from 10-20 (part two of a seven part series) daily updated

The Barrens. Desert, mountains, sand and neverending sunshine. Detailed description, step by step from level 10 to 20.

The Barrens - Map


55 step) Turn in "Tribes at War" accept "Blood Shards of Agamaggan" and "Betrayal from Within"

56 step) Accept "Weapons of Choice"

57 step) Gnoll cage - "Spirit of the Wind" for fast run speed.

58 step) Now you can go Wailling Caverns and ask in party to share the quests or grind to level 20 at bristlebacks. If you choose grinding you can find mob called Owatanka

69 step) 1000 exp before level 20 go to the Lushwater Oasis and find "Hezrul Bloodmark" (bring a friend with you. I did it solo.)

70 step) Go to the Crossroads and turn in all quests :

"Stolen Silver"

"Consumed by Hatred"

"Altered Beings"

"The Angry Scytheclaws" accept "Jorn Skyseer"

71 step) Now go to the orc in the hut tloc. 45.28 and turn in "Hezrul Bloodmark" accept or skip "Counterattack!" (you´ll need a friend)

LEVEL 20 - Part 1/2

72 step) Go back to the Crossroads and flight to Orgrimmar. Buy there new skills, consumables etc.

73 step) Accept "The Ashenvale Hunt" quest in Orgrimmar and hearthstone to the Crossroads

74 step) Fly to Ratchet and turn in there "Raptor Horns" accept "Deepmoss Spider Eggs" and "Ziz Fizziks"

75 step) Then go do: "The Guns of Northwatch"
1) first tower tloc. 61.54
2) second tower tloc. 62.56
3) third tower tloc. 60.55

76 step) Now escort go do "Free From the Hold" tloc. 61.54 inside the tower

77 step) Turn in "The Guns of Northwatch" and "Free From the Hold"

78 step) Hearthstone to the Crossroads or fly there and run into Stonetalon Mountains

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