Saturday, March 29, 2008

A Little Patience Equals a Lot of Gold

While there are many WoW gold guides out there that tell “the best ways” to acquire WoW gold, the last thing you probably need – if you’re reading this article – is someone telling you where to go to buy WoW gold, or where the cheapest WoW gold is found. What you need to know is: how do people get this gold in the first place?

Making WoW gold isn’t really all that difficult – it just takes persistence. There are hundreds of ways to make gold, instead of buying WoW gold on eBay or some other sketchy method. In fact, if you’re caught exchanging real money for online items or gold, your account can literally get banned from the servers. And then where would you be?

Try a few of these simple methods to earn your own gold, and you’ll never have to consider forking over your hard-earned cash for someone else’s WoW gold sale.

Choose a gathering profession from the start: this way, you can start to make gold right away by gathering materials from dead animals or plants, and selling them off.
Power-level yourself up to 40: yes, it’s a lot of work, but once you do that, you’ll be able to buy things like plans, formulas, schematics…it takes some capital off the top, but when you have these things, you’ll be a step above the other crafting professions, since a lot of people don’t have the time or patience to make a long-term plan and just want results now. You’ll be a lot richer if you just take your time.
Only sell your materials for a profit! It may seem like a no-brainer, but some people in their eagerness for acquiring cheap WoW gold will do anything to just make their sacks a little lighter. Be smart, don’t take the first offer that comes along.

These three things will take time to accomplish, but if you’re patient from the start, once you reach level 70 you’ll be flying high with a nice handful of cash, and have some serious crafting and trading skills that will help you to keep raking in the gold. The problem is that most people want gold and they want it now – that’s just not realistic. Take your time from the start, make smart investments, and before you know it, you’ll have more gold than you know what to do with!

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